Friday, September 29, 2017

White Supremacy is not new

Author Ijeoma Oluo says this and more in her article So You Want To Fight White Supremacy:

"White supremacy is in our workplace, our school system, our government and our prisons. It is in our books and movies and television. White supremacy has been woven into the fabric of our nation from the moment that white settlers decided that their claim to land was more important than the lives of indigenous people. This is not a new problem. This is America."

Ijeoma Oluo lists many suggestions in various areas of our lives where we can work to dismantle White Supremacy.

Here is a 2 page pdf I made (you can print two-sided on one page) with key excerpts from this article and I bulleted the list of suggestions for easier reading and noting: what I am doing now, want to do more of...etc. Shared on my google drive.

I highly suggest this reading and use of her list of ideas.

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